Monthly Archives: January 2012



“Kindness in words

creates confidence.

Kindness in thinking

creates profoundness.

Kindness in giving

creates love.”


~ Lao Tzu


If you want to improve your memory,

don’t tell a lie.

The grandiose egotist who suffers with an

inferiority complex is being unkind to self,

others and the Great Creator,

the God of your understanding.

Today, seek to be honest, seek balance in your life

and be willing to start every thought, word and deed

with kindness.

Life is kindness.

Life is living and loving in the here and now.


ME and the Boss






Looking At Things




is never

a place

but rather

a new way

of looking

at things.”


– Henry Miller


If you are not the lead dog in the sled team

the view never changes.

Mom and Dad, teacher, preacher or guru,

we follow until we learn to look out for ourselves.

Today, if you do not like the view,

seek guidance if you must

but know that eventually the choice to change

must be yours.

Every day is a new day, a new destination

and a new chance to change your way of looking at life.

Life is how you look at things.

Life is living and loving in the here and now.


ME and the Boss




