Monthly Archives: September 2012

May God Amend


“Whatever defect

I have

in my sight,

in my heart

or mind,

may God amend!

May He,

the Protector of the World,

bless us.”


~  Yajur Veda 36.2


First, there is a God and it is not you or me.

Second, God made us perfect but we must admit

at times that our choices are defective.

Thirdly, and most importantly,

I know that God’s forgiveness is a blessing

for which I must always be grateful for.

Today, before you make the wrong choice,

the one that needs amending,

seek God’s will to do the next right thing.

Life is to know that God can amend our defects.

Life is to live and love in the here and now.


ME and the Boss






Spontaneity and Awe


“It’s all too easy

to live our days

with a tight grip

on our schedules—

thrusting ourselves from

commitment to commitment

and in the process,

stifling possibilities

for spontaneity and awe.”


~ Lori Deschene


The key to growing up is to be responsible

and to attempt to meet your commitments.

Life is about leaving time for living between your commitments,

to know which commitments can be rescheduled,

to have friends who can help you spontaneously

seek the wow factors that the Spirit of the Light will provide,

when you decide to change your commitment.

Life is to seek the possibilities for spontaneity and awe.

Life is to live and love in the here and now.


ME and the Boss




