Tag Archives: things

Be Brave


“If you

want to see

the brave,

look at those

who can forgive”.


~ Bhagavad Gita



Forgive once, but do not forget.

Be brave, but do not be the martyr.

When it hurts, do no try to change them,

change yourself.

Today, choose better friends, go to nicer places

and elect to do only the next right thing.

If it is family that needs forgiving,

seek the compromise.

Life is to be brave and learn to forgive.

Life is to live and love in the here and now.


ME and the Boss






The Best World


The optimist proclaims

that we live in the best

of all possible worlds,

and the pessimist

fears this is true.”


~ James Branch Cabell


It is not the world, it is your attitude.

Today, make sure the people, places and

things inĀ  your life benefit your attitude

and give credence to God’s will for all,

to make this world a better place for everyone.

Today, be the eternal optimist and make the best

of every chance given to you

by a loving Great Creator.

Life is to make this the best possible world.

Life is to live and love in the here and now.


ME and the Boss




